За 59-и път снощи в Лос Анджелис бяха връчени най-престижните музикални награди в индустрията, а именно "Грами". Водещ на събитието бе Джеймс Кордън, поемайки щафетата от LL Cool J, който бе в тази роля през последните 5 години. Освен победителите, на сцената излязоха още Адел, The Weeknd и Лейди Гага, които изпълниха на живо част от последните си хитове.

Which artist #GRAMMYs performance has been your favorite so far?! Let us know in the comments! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

А ето и изпълнителите, които си тръгнаха със златна статуетка.

Are you watching the #GRAMMYs? Tune in to @cbstv to see @ladygaga perform with @metallica later tonight!

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

Нов артист:

Chance the Rapper

Най-добро солово изпълнение:

"Hello" - Адел

Поп дует/групово изпълнение:

“Stressed Out” — Twenty One Pilots

#adele in #givenchy ?or?? #grammys2017 #grammys #tciredcarpet

A photo posted by The Catwalk Italia - TCI (@thecatwalkitalia) on

Поп албум:

“25” — Адел

Dance/Electronic албум:

“Skin” — Flume

Rock Performance:

“Blackstar” — Дейвид Бауи

Congratulations to #davemustaine and #Megadeth for winning their first #grammy!

A photo posted by WAAF | 107.3 FM/97.7 HD2 (@waafboston) on

Metal Performance:

“Dystopia” — Megadeth

Рок песен:

“Blackstar” — Дейвид Бауи, текст: Дейвид Бауи

Рок албум:

“Tell Me I’m Pretty” — Cage the Elephant

Alternative музикален албум:

“Blackstar” — Дейвид Бауи

LOVE HER! @saintrecords #solange #theladylovescouture #redcarpet #grammys #glamslam

A photo posted by The Lady Loves Couture (@theladylovescouture) on

R&B Performance:

“Cranes in the Sky” — Соланж Ноулс

Traditional R&B Performance:

“Angel” — Lalah Hathaway

R&B песен:

“Lake By the Ocean” — Maxwell; текст: Hod David & Musze

This breathtaking performance by @beyonce is just the beginning of the epic #GRAMMYs performances happening tonight. Keep watching on @cbstv!

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

Urban Contemporary Album:

“Lemonade” — Beyoncé

R&B албум:

“Lalah Hathaway Live” — Lalah Hathaway

Rap Performance:

“No Problem” — Chance the Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz


A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

Rap/Sung Performance:

“Hotline Bling” — Drake

Рап песен:

“Hotline Bling” —  Drake; текст: Aubrey Graham & Paul Jefferies

Рага албум:

“Ziggy Marley” — Ziggy Marley

А ето и някои от най-интересните визии на гостите на събитието:

Rainha ??#grammys

A photo posted by Sabrina Sato (@sabrinasato) on

#GRAMMYs 2017 with @ladygaga! ? #metallica #ladygaga ? @kevinmazur @gettyentertainment

A photo posted by Metallica (@metallica) on

Best seats in the house for a certain special performer! ?Be sure to keep watching the #GRAMMYs on @cbstv!

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

@badgalriri looks unbelievable on the #GRAMMYs red carpet! ❤️ if you love her look!

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

GRAMMY winner @johnlegend alongside his gorgeous wife @chrissyteigen! ❤️ if you can't wait to his John Legend perform live at the #GRAMMYs

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

@jlo is presenting tonight's first GRAMMY winner! Watch now on @cbstv! #GRAMMYs

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

@ddlovato looks incredible on the #GRAMMYs red carpet! Tune into @cbstv to watch her performance tonight!

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

GRAMMY winners @aliciakeys and @marenmorris shared the stage to create an unforgettable #GRAMMYMoment. #GRAMMYs

A photo posted by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@recordingacademy) on

?????? #Grammys ? Getty

A photo posted by COMPLEX (@complex) on


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